Corridor Planning Efforts
Unincorporated Sacramento County is home to numerous commercial corridors dating back to the 1950's. To foster economic development and urban revitalization in several selected corridors, the County of Sacramento launched 13 Corridor and District Plan studies in the early 2000's. Each study focused on improving the overall condition and quality of the corridor and the communities where they exist.
View the County Map of Corridor Projects to see the corridors studied under the General Plan Update. A number of Corridors Plans were then developed, and finally adopted in the form of a Special Planning Area (SPA) Ordinance as part of Title VI of the Sacramento County Zoning Code.
General Background on Corridor Plans
Benefits of Corridor Plans. Corridor Plans provide guidance for redevelopment that will revitalize corridors through pedestrian-friendly, sustainable planning. The resulting development provides a distinct sense of place in the community and encourages residential infill opportunities for mixed use projects, town centers, community gathering places and other new housing, retail and office projects.
In addition to stimulating economic development, these plans cumulatively help to stimulate strong regional and local economies with a strong tax base for maintaining public facilities and high quality services.
Plan Process and Contents. Corridor Plans are usually developed with the help of professional consultants who carefully elicit stakeholder and citizen input and create a plan that reflects that input. The content of the plans varies with its purpose and the stakeholder input, but most plans include a map of proposed uses including mixed-use and commercial, and propose permitted, conditionally permitted or prohibited land uses. There are also typically land use restrictions such as hours of operation, setbacks, parking and development standards (building height, density).