
The Office of Planning and Environmental Review creates programs to effectively address more complex issues through establishing specific goals, funding, procedures and assigning staff who ensure that specific subject areas are adequately addressed.

Green Sacramento County.  Learn about efforts in Sacramento County to help facilitate sustainable buildings and design.  This site includes information about the Sacramento Area Sustainability Business Program, the County’s Climate Action Plan, and how you can grow greener. 

Biological Preservation.  This link provides information on the protected species and habitats in Sacramento County.  The related programs are designed to help applicants comply with mitigation obligations from projects that impact Swainson’s hawk habitat or wetlands.

Agricultural Land Preservation (Williamson Act).  The Williamson Act is a State program that preserves agricultural and other open space lands.  In exchange for committing land to agricultural uses for at least 20 years, landowners receive significant tax breaks.  In Sacramento County the Office of Planning and Environmental Review initiates and processes applications for Williamson Act land conservation agreements.  For more information regarding Williamson Act initiation, contact:

Office of Planning and Environmental
827 7th Street, Room 230
Sacramento, CA  95814-1284

For more information visit the Assessor Office: Willia​m​son La​nd Conservation Act page.

Housing Policy​.  This page covers the broad range of housing policy topics for applicants and citizens including Affordable Housing, Accessory Dwelling Units, Universal Design (handicap access). 

Surface Mining.  This page provides information on surface mining operations in Sacramento County and includes discussions of related policies and regulations, and their implementation.