Agricultural Land Preservation

The Williamson Act is a State program that preserves agricultural and other open space lands. In exchange for committing land to agricultural uses for at least 20 years, landowners receive significant tax breaks. In Sacramento County the Office of Planning and Environmental Review initiates and processes applications to establish Williamson Act land conservation agreements.  The same department processes applications to "non-renew" agreements.  The County Assessor's Office is responsible for calculating and assessing tax reductions related to the Williamson Act contracts.


Prior to submitting either of the following form, you are advised to first speak with the Planning and Environmental Review staff member listed below, regarding the process and fees. 

More Information

For information regarding Williamson Act initiation or non-renewal process and fees in Sacramento County contact: Leanne Mueller at (916) 874-6155, muellerl@sacco​

For more information you may visit the following websites: