New Growth Areas and Master Plans

One of the primary goals of the General Plan is to promote the efficient use of land in Sacramento County by directing new growth to previously urbanized areas and to strategically planned new growth areas. To do this, County policy encourages the use of master or specific plans to prioritize development opportunities and limits new urban development and the provision of urban services to areas within the Urban Policy Area (UPA). ​The Master Plans team oversees the development of master plans for large proposed development areas. For proposed plans located outside of the UPA, the Board of Supervisors must approve an expansion. See below for information on the master plans currently being processed by the County.  

​​Growth Area Planning within the UPA​

Proposed Master Plan Applicatio​ns​​

​​New Growth Area Planning

The Board of Supervisors approved the 2030 General Plan in November 2011 with only minor adjustments to the UPA. However, new policies were included to guide how and when the County would consider expanding the UPA to create master plans for new communities. Since November 2011, the County has received and initiated four requests to expand the UPA: one request in the Natomas area and three requests located adjacent to each other along Jackson Highway in the southern portion of the County.   Other master plans, such as the Mather South Community Master Plan, are proposed within the existing UPA.

For information on new growth areas and other development projects please visit our  Projects Viewer, the Map of County​ New Growth Areas, and the New Growth Areas Update Staff Report - Planning Commission Workshop July 2012 .

Jackson Highway Master Plans (in prog​​ress)​

Natomas Basin Master Plans (in progr​ess)

New Growth Regulations and Guidelines

Master Plan Workshop Materials
  • Cordova/Vineyard CPAC Growth Area Topic Meetings, Spring 2016

Four information workshops similar to those held in 2013 were held to address the following topics in the context of the Jackson Highway Master Plan projects.  Additional information will be posted as it becomes available.  The four workshops were on the following dates:

  • Board of Supervisors Jackson Highway Master Plans Workshops, Summer 2015

In June and July 2015, County staff facilitated two Board of Supervisors workshops that provided an overview of ongoing efforts between County staff and developers on the Jackson Highway Master Plans. 

Cordova/Vineyard CPAC Growth Area Topic Meetings, Summer 2013

 Notice of Cordova/Vineyard CPAC Growth Area Topic  Meetings, Summer 2013 ​

Approved Master Plans, Specific Plans, and Corridor Plans

Master Plans become a part of the Zoning Ordinance as a Special Planning Area adopted by the Board of Supervisors.  Please see our Special Planning Areas, Neighborhood Preservation Areas and Specific Plans page.

 Major Development Projects Email Updates:  Sign up for email or Mobile # text up​dates on County Major Development Projects and Master Plans