Sacramento County Zoning Code

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*NEW* Interim Z​oning C​od​​e G​ui​d​e​​

Over the past two years (2023 and 2024), Governor Newsom signed into law several bills related to zoning and land use resulting in portions of the Sacramento County Zoning Code (SZC) becoming outdated because of new State statutes.​​ To remedy this situation, Sacramento County must utilize applicable State Government Code (GOV) sections where conflicts arise between State law and the Sacramento County Zoning Code (SZC).  

​The Interim Zoning Guide has been created to provide guidance for County staff, applicants, and the public in this interim period while the Zoning Code is being officially​ updated. This document will be modified as guidance from the State or new information regarding implementation of various legislation becomes available.


SB-2 Housing Production Streamlining and Acceleration Webpage​

The County received grant funding from the State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development (Senate Bill SB-2) with the goal of encouraging the development of plans that streamline multifamily housing approvals and accelerate all types of housing production. Portions of these funds have been allocated for amendments to the County Zoning Code and Design Guidelines that will implement these goals. More information is provided on the SB-2 website page.​

Development Code 

The Board of Supervisors adopted an updated Sacramento County Development Code on July 22, 2015 that became ​effective​ on September 25, 2015. The Development Code is comprised of the:

  • Zoning Code and its related Ordinances
  • Zoning Code User Guide
  • Countywide Design Standards​

Zoning Code (September 25, 2015)

The Zoning Code establishes land use zones and standards and regulations for development in those zones, within unincorporated Sacramento County. A User Guide has also been prepared to help customers navigate the draft Zoning Code, and common planning and entitlement application procedures most likely to be encountered when developing property in the County.​ 

See the  webpage section below to track recent changes and to download replacement pages for your hardcopy of the Zoning Code. For questions related to the Zoning Code, please review our Frequently Asked Questions​ or contact us at

Complete Sacramento County Zoni​n​g C​ode (13 MB)​​​​ ​(Amended January 2025)

​​Adopted Zoning ​Code, by Chapter​

​Zoning Code User Guide

 Countywide Design Guidelines

  • Countywide​ Design ​Guidelines​​​ (Effective October 31, 2017)​(Amended September 9, 2022) The Countywide Design Guidelines are an implementing tool of the County's General Plan, applying to the whole unincorporated county.  There are separate sections for Single Family Dwellings, Multi-family Dwellings, Commercial, Employment Districts, Village Centers/Mixed-Use, and New Communities. ​The Design Guidelines incorporate "Active Design" strategies to aid the County in creating a built environment that is healthy, sustainable, livable and promotes active transportation choices like biking, walking, and access to transit.  The Design Guidelines include an active design icon to call out policies and standards that incorporate active design.  ​The County's Active Design strategies are described in Appendix D of the Countywide Design Guidelines.

  • County Code - Title 22 on Land Use​ ​​

Zoning Ordinances that are a part of the Zoning Code

  • Special Planning Areas & Neighborhoo​d Preservation Areas (Titles V and VI) Certain defined areas in Sacramento County are also  subject to “mini-Zoning Codes” in the form of Special Planning Areas (SPA) and Neighborhood Preservation Areas (NPA). These documents provide community-specific regulations that supplement the Zoning Code.  This page provides a list of SPAs and NPAs in Sacramento County as well as other related information. ​

  • Interim Zones (Title IV)​ This document lists interim zones and their development standards.  These zones are temporary, established decades ago in areas where community plans were anticipated.  Through the community planning process the interim zones will be rezoned to permanent zones consistent with that community plan.  At the time all interim zones have been rezoned, Title IV will be eliminated from the Zoning Code.

  • Land Use Element of the General Plan​​ See pages 127-129​ of the Land Use Element to view the Zoning Consistency Matrix which identifies which Zoning Districts are allowed within each General plan Land Use designation​.​​​