Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) Grant

​Sacramento County Planning and Environmental Review (Planning) is applying for the PRO Housing Grant created by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The purpose of the grant is to support communities who are taking steps to remove barriers to affordable housing. Should the County be awarded, Planning’s vision is to apply this grant towards activities that cover a broad geographic area as well as in strategic plan areas to sustain long-term effects.​

What is the PRO Housing Grant?

The PRO Housing Grant was established to empower communities that are actively taking steps to remove barriers to affordable housing, seeking to increase housing production, and lower housing costs over the long term. Each proposed activity must do one or more of the following:

  1. ​Further develop, evaluate, and implement housing policy plans

  2. ​​​Improve housing strategies

  3. ​​Facilitate affordable housing production and preservation

This is the second round of funding under this grant and agencies may apply for a grant size from $1 million to a maximum of $7 million. The application deadline is Tuesday, October 15th, 2024.

Planning Objective

Planning’s objective is to enable increased production and preservation of affordable housing countywide and in targeted planned areas through five key activities:

  1. Comprehensive Corridor Planning

  2. Affordable Housing in Planned Communities

  3. Adaptive Reuse Ordinance

  4. Affordable Housing Streamlining in Special Planning Areas (SPAs)

For more information on the above proposed activities, you can view the draft application here.

Public Review of Draft Application

Per HUD requirements, Planning is making the draft application available for a 15-day public review and comment period prior to submission. Planning is seeking public input on the draft grant application from Tuesday, September 24th to Wednesday, October 9th.

To provide comments and/or questions regarding the draft application, please contact the Long Range Planning team at A response to these comments will be provided within 15 days of being received.

Public Hearing

The Board of Supervisors will consider Sacramento County’s application for the PRO Housing grant at its regular meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. For more information about the hearing and how to attend and participate, please click here.​

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