The AHO requires that you pick one of the following compliance options. If you are applying for a building
permit, you will pay a fee pursuant to A below, unless a prior entitlement approved by the County requires
another compliance method – check your conditions of approval.
You may also choose options B, C or D. These options are more likely to be chosen if you are applying for a
planning entitlement (i.e. subdivision map or use permit). The affordability fee option is the most likely option
for most residential building permits:
A. Pay an affordability fee on all new market rate units equal to $3.79 (note this fee is adjusted annually
every year in March) per habitable square foot (conditioned space) of each market rate unit
calculated at the issuance of the building permit.B. Enter into a development agreement with the County for a fee credit for land dedication, construction
of affordable housing units, or other mechanisms that will lead to production of affordable units during
the entitlement process for your residential project
- Dedicated land must be a site that is approved and accepted by the Sacramento Housing and
Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) pursuant to future AHO Implementation Guidelines
- Affordable units constructed must have regulatory agreements recorded and monitored by
C. Purchase credits for affordable housing units banked with SHRA. For more information on this option,
including the price for the credits, contact SHRA as listed herein. D. Comply with Existing Affordable Housing Plan approved at the time planning entitlement was
approved. If the approved affordable housing plan consists of a fee, then the fee would be set by
program guidelines.