Jackson Township Specific Plan

Project Summary

The Jackson Township Specific Plan is a proposed master planned community approximately 1,391 acres in size, located south of Mather Field, north of Jackson Road, east of Excelsior Road and generally west of Eagles Nest Road primarily within the Vineyard community, with a small portion north of Kiefer Boulevard within the Cordova community.  Proposed uses include up to 6,143 housing units; 2 million square feet of commercial, office and mixed use development; schools; a fire station and community center; parks; and a large wetland preserve.

The Jackson Township application includes requests to amend various elements of the General Plan, including an amendment to the UPA boundary and amending the Land Use Diagram, Transportation Diagram and Bikeway Master Plan; Community Plan Amendments to amend the Vineyard Community Plan and the Cordova Community Plan; a Zoning Ordinance Amendment and Rezone request for a 575-acre portion of the Plan Area; a Large Lot Tentative Subdivision Map for an approximately 860-acre portion of the Plan Area; adoption of a Development Agreement; approval of an Affordable Housing Plan, and; adoption of a Public Facilities Financing Plan.  

​Project Status

The Notice of Preparation (NOP) was issued on August 5, 2013 and the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was published on September 16, 2019 for a 45-day public review period ending on October 31, 2019. The County Planning Commission held a public hearing on the DEIR on October 28, 2019. CPAC meetings were held in October and November 2019. After the end of the DEIR public review period, the Applicant requested preparation of a Recirculated DEIR to address public comments, clarify and expand upon the analysis in the DEIR, and reflect the updated regulatory context. The Recirculated DEIR was published on May 14, 2021, and includes new and revised appendices as noted below under Project Documents. The County Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Recirculated DEIR on June 28, 2021 and closed the public comment period on the Recirculated DEIR. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the project on December 6, 2021, and recommended approval to the Board of Supervisors. 

The Final EIR was published on November 21, 2022, and includes Responses to Comments and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The Board of Supervisors is tentatively scheduled to conduct a public hearing on the project on December 13, 2022. 

Project Documents

All other project materials can be found in the Planning Projects Viewer​

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