Climate Action Plan

Sacramento County has completed revisions to the 2022 Communitywide Climate Action Plan (2022 CAP) to address public comments received on the 2022 CAP and to ensure consistency with California Air Resources Board’s 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan and Assembly Bill 1279 (2022). The 2024 Draft CAP utilizes both the recently completed Greenhouse Gas Inventory for 2021​ and newly developed growth forecasts for all reasonably foreseeable development projects for which Sacramento County is the lead agency. Other revisions have strengthened the implementation actions for each of communitywide and County operations greenhouse gas reduction measures and provided greater clarity on annual tracking and reporting mechanisms to inform future CAP updates.

The 2024 CAP is a comprehensive plan for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to the effects of climate change that identifies strategies and measures to meet the State of California’s 2030 and 2045 GHG emissions reduction targets. The 2024 CAP is a multi-objective plan that balances environmental, economic, and community interests; provides mechanisms to reduce GHG emissions associated with implementing the Sacramento County General Plan of 2005–2030; and aligns with multiple County initiatives.

In support of the 2024 CAP, Sacramento County has prepared a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) to analyze the potential impacts of the 2024 CAP. The Notice of Availability (NOA) of a Draft SEIR is available below. Public comments on the 2024 CAP and the Draft SEIR will be accepted until August 29, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

The County’s goal is to complete the CAP and its associated SEIR as quickly as possible while ensuring compliance with applicable CEQA statutory timelines for public input and review. During the 45-day public review period, staff will present the 2024 CAP to the Sacramento County Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force on August 8, 2024 and the Sacramento Environmental Commission​ on August 19, 2024.

Stay up to date on the CAP, and when it will be heard by the Board of Supervisors, by subscribing to receive CAP Email/Text Updates

Project Documents ​

Current Documents​​ 

​Prior Documents (2016-2022)

Final CAP

Revised Final Draft CAP 

Final Draft CAP 

Draft CAP 

Background​ (Draft Documents)

​​​Public Outreach

​Information from past public outreach meetings is provided here.  

Board of Supervisors Hearing 

Board of Supervisors Workshop 2

Planning Commission Hearing

Sacramento County Environmental Commission (SEC)

Stakeholder Working Group

  • August 2020 – November 2020
    • Five (5) meetings with the targeted Stakeholder Working Group. For additional information, see Appendix D of the Draft CAP.

Stakeholder Outreach

  • September 2016 – October 2018 
    • Twenty-five (25) individual meetings with stakeholder groups. For additional information, see Appendix D of the Draft CAP. ​

Board of Supervisors Workshop 1

Public Workshop 2

Public​ Workshop 1 

Neighborhood Outreach

  • October 17, 2016
    • Presentation to MLK Neighborhood Association 
  • October 20, 2016
    • Presentation to South Oak Park Community Association
  • October 2016 – May 2017
    • Emails to 27 neighborhood associations in the unincorporated County announcing public workshops.

Stakeholder Kickoff Meeting  


In 2009, Sacramento County began a multi-phase CAP to meet the State's targets for GHG reductions. The components of the multi-phase CAP are: 

  • Phase 1
    • Strategy and Framework (2011)
  • Phase 2
    • Government Operations (2012, Update In-Progress)
    • Communitywide (In-Progress)

​Phase 1

The Board of Supervisors adopted the Climate Action Plan – Strategy and Framework Document​ on November 9, 2011, which presented a framework for reducing GHG emissions and an overall strategy to address climate change. Additionally, it provided direction for developing the second phase of the CAP.

Phase 2

Government Operations

The Board of Supervisors adopted the Climate Action Plan – Government Operations on September 11, 2012, which identified the GHG emissions from the County's operations (i.e. County-owned facilities, vehicles, and equipment) and the measures to reduce these GHG emissions. 


The County began working on the most recent phase of the CAP in 2016. This project will update the government operations components and include communitywide measures for the unincorporated County in an all-new CAP in order to complete the second phase of the County's multi-phase CAP process. 

Climate Action Plan

The new CAP will: 1) update the unincorporated County's GHG inventory and forecasts, 2) determine GHG reduction targets, and 3) propose measures to achieve the GHG reductions targets.

Additionally, to prepare for climate change impacts (e.g. impacts related to precipitation, flooding, heatwaves, wildfires, air quality, water supply, water quality, natural ecosystems, and agriculture), the Climate Action Plan will include a vulnerability assessment and an adaptation strategy.

When this new CAP is adopted, it will replace all previous CAP phases/documents.


  • ​​​​​​​​​​​Todd Smith, Planning Director

​​Additional Information

Please visit Green Sacramento County for the County’s continuing efforts on sustainability and implementation of the Climate Action Plan

For a list of Frequently Asked Questions, visit the CAP FAQ page​. ​

For general inquiries regarding the CAP, you may submit your questions by email to:​.​