Upper Westside Specific Plan

​Project Summary​

The proposed Upper Westside Specific Plan (UWSP) Area consists of approximately 2,066 acres located east of Interstate-80, north and west of Garden Highway, and south of the drainage canal and Swainson’s Hawk Park in the Natomas Community. The UWSP establishes a framework and strategy for development of the Plan Area, including proposed land use designations, development and operation polices, and plans for infrastructure and public services. The Plan provides for 9,356 housing units with a mixture of densities that supports all population segments; 1,532-acre Development Area; a 534-acre agricultural buffer along the western edge of the Plan Area; 10 active parks; and an extensive system of greenbelts and multi-use trails with linkages to downtown Sacramento. For more details and a list of the entitlements requested with the application please see the Project Description.

Project Timeline

Updates and Upcoming Events

  1. CPAC Recommendation Meeting. The Natomas CPAC meeting met on December 12, 2024 and recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the Specific Plan voting 4-Yes, 2-No. An audio recording of the meeting and the meeting materials are available online here​

  2. DEIR- Public Review Period. The DEIR prepared for the Upper Westside Specific Plan was released on August 30, 20204. The formal review period closed on October 14, 2024, but staff accepted comments on the DEIR up until October 28, 2024. With the close of the DEIR public review period, staff is preparing the Final EIR.

  3. Planning Commission Advisory Hearing. A public hearing will be scheduled for the Planning Commission to consider the project, receive public comments, and provide a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.

  4. Board of Supervisors Hearing. Following the Planning Commission advisory hearing a subsequent public hearing will be scheduled for the Board of Supervisors to consider the project, receive public comments, and determine whether to approve or deny the project. 

Specific Plan Supporting Documents

 ​ ​​Oral Public Comments
  • COPC Comments During DEIR Public Meeting
o ​​​    Oral Public Comments
o     ​Written Comments​​​​​​​​​
Frequently Asked Questions

A detailed policy plan that identifies allowable land uses and infrastructure needs for a specific geographic area. Specific Plans typically include a land use plan, policy document, transportation plan, drainage plan, water supply plan, public facilities financing plan, urban services plan, and more. Specific Plans are intended to be a comprehensive guide for the physical development of a community at a more detailed level than the General Plan. Future zoning, subdivision, and public works decisions must be in compliance with adopted Specific Plans. Specific Plans are authorized by California Government Code Sections 65450-65457. They can be as general as providing broad policy concepts or as detailed as providing direction for every aspect of development.

Specific Plans may be either primarily applicant or may be a collaborative effort between the County and Plan proponents. The County is the governing jurisdiction and lead agency. In this case, the Applicant submitted proposals and materials to the County. The County reviews these proposals for consistency with the General Plan and other policy documents; assesses the potential environmental impacts of a proposal; coordinates with other County departments and government agencies such as neighboring jurisdictions, Water, Fire, Sewer, Air Quality, and Parks districts, and State and Federal agencies; conducts public outreach; and ultimately determines whether to approve or deny the Specific Plan. Upon adoption the Specific Plan is implemented through development proposals which the County reviews for consistency with the Specific Plan.

In response to separate development proposals in the Natomas Basin by the City and County of Sacramento in the 1990s, both jurisdictions recognized the benefits of coordinating their efforts. This collaboration led to the creation of the City/County Joint Vision for Natomas, formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding. This agreement outlined a shared vision for land use and revenue-sharing principles in the Natomas area. As part of this initiative, four planning areas or "precincts" were designated within the Natomas Joint Vision Area: Grandpark (formerly the North Precinct), the West Precinct, the South Precinct, and the Upper Westside (previously known as the Boot Precinct). In 2011​ the Natomas Joint Vision Study Area overlay was added to the General Plan land use diagram. The intent of this overlay was to identify land within the vision area where the expansion of development was planned. As the Plan Area is outside of the Urban Policy Area and Urban Services Boundary, development of this area requires preparation of a master plan. In this case, the applicants propose a Specific Plan, one of many comprehensive master-planning tools.

Large scale development can be impacted by many factors such as global and domestic politics, economic conditions, and supply chains. The Upper Westside Specific Plan has a build-out is anticipated to occur over a 20-year timeframe. Typically, infrastructure and residential development will proceed first in order to attract a critical mass of residents needed to support commercial and institutional uses. The pace of construction could average approximately 468 dwelling units and 155,000 square feet of non-residential development per year.

The Upper Westside Specific Plan provides for future development. It does not require current property owners to do anything with their properties. Existing uses, such as residences and businesses, may continue to exist and operate until such time that the property owner chooses to pursue new development or a different use. If adopted, the Upper Westside Specific Plan would allow for development consistent with its proposed land uses and policies. Development consistent with the proposed land uses will require planning entitlements such as a Rezone, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Design Review.

Please refer to the Project Timeline on this webpage​ or contact the County for specific information.

Sacramento County Planning and Environmental Review
Emma Patten, Senior Planner
(916) 875-4197