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Project Summary
Project Location
The project site is generally south of U.S. Route 50, northwest of Rancho Murrieta, southeast of Prairie City State Vehicle Recreation Area (SVRA), and south of White Rock Road in the Cosumnes community. Specifically, it is on what is known as the “Barton Ranch” situated along Scott Road, adjacent to 3830 Scott Road.
Proposed Project
The proposed request is to construct, operate, and ultimately decommission an approximately 200-megawatt (MW) alternating current photovoltaic solar energy generating facility and associated 4-hour/100 MW alternating current battery energy storage system (BESS).
The project components would include an on-site substation, inverters, solar array, fencing, roads, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, gen-tie line, and switchyard. The project’s 230-kilovolt (kV) gen-tie line would be approximately 1.3 miles long and would parallel the boundary of the California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Division’s Prairie City SVRA. The gen-tie line would connect with a new switchyard that would be constructed to interconnect into the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) 230 kV powerline in proximity to the Prairie City SVRA. Following construction of the switchyard, SMUD would own and operate the switchyard facilities.
The project site comprises numerous parcels that total approximately 2,704 acres. Of the approximately 2,704-acre project site, approximately 1,412 acres of this area would be developed to support the project and is collectively referred to as the “solar development area” and the remaining approximately 1,292 acres are referred to as “adjacent other lands” and would not be developed as part of the project. Adjacent other lands are lands within the project site but located outside of the solar development area, which includes the proposed footprint of project construction activities and development. The solar development area includes all locations used for temporary construction and also all permanent project infrastructure. Areas denoted as adjacent other lands would be appropriately delineated with flagging and construction areas activities would be required to avoid adverse impacts within these areas.
The proposed project would continue to support grazing activities within the project’s fenced boundary, and grazing is anticipated to continue outside of the fenced boundary under the control of the landowner. These combined grazing activities would ensure grazing and ranching activities continue, and that the area remains as a large ranch under the Williamson Act. New troughs and fencing would be installed along with new seeding of portions of the ranch to provide quality grazing habitat within the fenced solar array. Additionally, areas of pollinator friendly habitat will be created. The proposed project would incorporate solar energy generation, storage, and ancillary facilities and these solar energy generating facilities would operate concurrently with ranching activities.
Entitlements Requested
The request involves the following entitlements:
A Use Permit to allow an approximately 200-MW alternating current photovoltaic solar energy generating facility (Commercial II Solar Facility) and associated 4-hour/100 MW BESS on multiple parcels totaling approximately 2,704 acres with approximately 1,412 acres containing the solar development area, in the Agricultural – 80 acres (AG-80), AG-80 (Flood), and Heavy Industrial (M-2) zoning districts.
A Special Development Permit to allow the proposed project to deviate from the following development standards
Interior Side Yard Setback (SZC Section 5.3.2.B, Table 5.5): The minimum interior side yard setback is 50 feet. The applicant requests a 100 percent setback reduction to allow the solar arrays to be placed up to zero feet from the interior property boundaries.
Surfacing Requirements (SZC Section 5.9.4.B): Surfacing for all drive aisles shall at minimum consist of gravel. As proposed, internal service roadways would consist of a dirt surface.
- A Design Review to determine substantial compliance with the Sacramento County Countywide Design Guidelines (Design Guidelines)
Environmental Document
Draft EIR
A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) has been prepared by the County of Sacramento pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. The review period for the DEIR began March 5, 2025, and ends on April 21, 2025.
Final Hearing Body
The final hearing body for this request is the Board of Supervisors.
Project Documents
This section will list the most recent project documents.
- Recent Notices
- Current Proposed Project
Public Meetings
This section will list all County public meetings, past, upcoming, and scheduled, for the proposal. Links to the materials and meeting recordings are included below. To receive updates on the project, please sign up using the link at the top of the page for email updates.
Scheduled Meetings
Cosumnes Community Planning Advisory Council on March 26, 2025 at 7:00 PM at the Wilton Community Center (9717 Colony Road, Wilton, CA 95693).
Next Steps
Please note that this is a tentative project timeline. Timeframes provided below are subject to change and will be updated accordingly.
*Opportunities for Public/Agency Input
- Preparation of Draft EIR (Winter/Early Spring 2025)
- Public and Agency Review of Draft EIR* (March 5, 2025 - April 21, 2025 - 45 days)
- Cosumnes Community Planning Advisory Council (CPAC) Meeting* (March 26, 2025 and during 45 day review period)
- Public Meeting on Draft EIR* (April 14, 2025)
- Project Review Committee (PRC) – Condition Review (TBD)
- Preparation of Final EIR including a Response to Comments and Staff Report
- Planning Commission Hearing* (TBD)
- Board of Supervisors Hearing* (TBD)
Past Meetings and Materials
- Agricultural Advisory Council – March 9, 2022
- Public Scoping Meeting – February 9, 2022
- Agency Scoping Meeting – February 8, 2022
- Design Review Advisory Committee (DRAC) – February 10, 2022
- Cosumnes CPAC Meeting – February 2, 2022
- PRC – Initial Review – January 26, 2022